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What To Do Today?

Whether it's a scheduled event or something spontaneous, the city certainly knows how to turn it on. There's big splashy pomp and ceremony events like the St Patrick's Day Parade, The Peurto Rican Day Parade, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Gay Pride and many more. Central Park hosts large gatherings, the John Lennon anniversaries in Strawberry Fields, and the final dash to the finish line at the New York City Marathon, and many fund raising events throughout the year.

And then there are the weekly events. How about Skate Night at Union Square? What about the street fairs and block parties throughout Summer; The Brazil festival, the Arab American Festival and so on. Music festivals in the park, shows on Governor's Island, art happenings and protest rallies and ticker tape parades up South Broadway through the Canyon of Heroes. You'll find something to do.


Although this is an annual celebration of faith, the Feast of San Gennaro is known the world over for its festive atmosphere, an 11-day event featuring religious processions and colorful parades, free musical entertainment every day, a wide variety of ethnic food delicacies, charming restaurants and cafes and even a world-famous cannoli-eating competition! The central focus of the celebration takes place every September 19th, the official Saint Day when a celebratory Mass is held in Most Precious Blood Church, followed immediately by a religious procession in which the Statue of San Gennaro is carried from its permanent home in the church through the streets that comprise Little Italy.

  It's the Annual Pillow Fight, feathers flying, no mercy down in Washington Square...
  New York City is the center of the Art world and our friends at Monkdogz Urban Art recently introduced Jean Marc Calvet

The Occupy Movement certainly knows how to liven up a neighborhood.

There was lots of slogan shouting in the Financial District and some scattered protest singing with the famous neon screens of Times Square acting as the backdrop. It brings out all generations from boomers to Gen X and beyond.

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